World Book Day














Languages Day

We celebrated Languages day. We had a number of visitors to come and read to our children in different languages including French, German, Spanish, Greek, Welsh, Latvian and Italian. A huge thank you to Miss Kirk for organising the event.









NSPCC Numbers Day

The Write Stuff

Our children are supported with their literacy development through the Write Stuff Programme.

The Write Stuff was created by Jane Considine, and is a system that sharpens the teaching and learning of writing within the classroom. It is research informed and practically applies evidence into effective best bets for improving writing outcomes.

English Progression of Skills

Literacy Overview

Reading Spine

Below is our whole school reading spine. The texts are used across the year and used as a focus three times a week.

Reading Spine Whole School

Reading Policy

At North Wingfield Primary and Nursery Academy, we aim to offer pupils a rich and enjoyable experience in mathematics by providing the knowledge, skills, concepts and processes that are appropriate to each individual and that relate to the world around them.

Maths Policy

Power Maths Information For Parents

Learning Overviews

Reception Maths Overview

Year 1 Maths Overview

Year 2 Maths Overview

Year 3 Maths Overview

Year 4 Maths Overview

Year 5 Maths Overview

Year 6 Maths Overview

Maths Skills Progression

Pupil Voice

What we say about maths

Our children’s learning of Personal Social Health and Emotional learning is supported through the Jigsaw Program.

PSHE = Personal and Social Education

RSE = Relationships and Sex Education (Sex Education is not compulsory, however, as a school, we are choosing to teach our children following the Jigsaw Curriculum). Parents have the option to withdraw their child from the Sex Education elements if they wish.

Jigsaw PSHE 3 11 Progression Map

PSHE and RSE Policy

Our children’s learning of R.E. is supported through the use of the Derby and Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus

Religious Education Overview

Derbyshire And Derby City Agreed Syllabus for R.E.

Religious Education Policy