At North Wingfield Primary and Nursery Academy, we take anti-bullying very seriously. We work hard to provide all children with the tools and the knowledge to deal with fall-outs, arguments, unkindness and bullying.

Anti-Bullying Alliance

We are currently completing the Anti-Bullying Alliance Process to show our commitment to ‘Unite against bullying’.

Below are the steps we are working through:

Step 1 – Planning stage completing the ABA Audit and the baseline pupil questionnaire

Step 2 – Do stage completing our Anti Bullying action plan

Step 3 – Review stage completing the final audit and final pupil questionnaire


Every three years, staff from the NSPCC Speak out, Stay Safe Program come into our school and work with our children.

Speak out Stay safe is a safeguarding programme for children aged 5- to 11-years-old. It is available to all primary schools in the UK and Channel Islands. It helps children understand:

  • abuse in all its forms and how to recognise the signs of abuse
  • that abuse is never a child’s fault and they have the right to be safe
  • where to get help and the sources of help available to them, including their Childline service.