Everyone has a responsibility to keep children and young people safe
At North Wingfield Safeguarding is a key priority for children, staff and visitors.
What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.
Safeguarding means:
- protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
- preventing harm to children’s health or development
- ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes
Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child.
In our Safeguarding tab you can find information about:
- Keeping Children Safe – NSPCC Share Aware Campaign
- Digital Safety
- The Prevent Strategy
- Education and the Future
- Health and Well-being
- Talking to Children about Acts of Terrorism
For all safeguarding policies, please visit the policies section.
Protected Characteristics
gender reassignment
marriage or civil partnership (in employment only)
pregnancy and maternity
religion or belief
sexual orientation.
We ensure that our children are given opportunities to develop age-appropriate knowledge of the protected characteristics and a deeper understanding through a well-planned and delivered curriculum. They are mainly showcased through our PSHE/RSHE learning, but also appear in Geography, History, Science, Religious Education and Reading.
We believe that children should be able to recognise themselves and their circumstances so they can see their lived experiences validated and valued.
Safeguarding Leads
Modern Slavery – https://www.saferderbyshire.gov.uk/what-we-do/modern-slavery-and-organised-crime/modern-slavery-and-organised-crime.aspx
Children at Risk of Exploitation
Free Apps to help keep your child safe on their phone
A free app for Android devices that lets you set time limits, manage apps, and set a bedtime.
A free and paid app for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS devices that includes a blacklist to block inappropriate content and app controls.
An app that uses AI and machine learning to scan web pages in real-time and set permissions for content categories.
An app that lets you set screen time limits and control your child’s activity on phones and tablets.
An app that lets you scan your child’s phone for emails, texts, photos, and videos, and refreshes every five minutes.
In order to safeguard our children, our school gates are locked between 3:10pm and 3:40pm. Only authorised visitors can use the car park. Thank you for your support and understanding.