Peer Listeners
In our school we aim to promote an holistic way of being. We recognise the importance of mental health, emotional wellbeing and physical health.
Knowing that sometimes it’s easier for children to talk to other children we have a Peer Listening Service in school. The program is designed to offer one to one drop-in sessions during lunchtime and gives children the chance to address any difficult issues that may arise in their lives. Issues vary and can range from friendship difficulties in school, exam stress, family change or breakdown, to name a few.
Peer listeners undergo rigorous training in school, this is delivered by Elaine Wright (School Counsellor) and Mrs Denovan (Nurture and Wellbeing Manager & ELSA Practitioner). The children learn about listening and communication skills, understanding empathy and being non-judgemental, but also about what they might find challenging and taking care of themselves, confidentiality and safeguarding.
Peer listening is about pupils helping each other, being a friendly but confidential ear, they are listeners not fixers. It is a service run by pupils for pupils supported by two key workers in school – Mrs Denovan and Elaine Wright.

Young Minds
We’re the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.
We want to see a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health, and all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what.